Nightmare Scenarios Texas Abortion

Karina Holosko
7 min readSep 14, 2021


Tortured Women by Peter G. Pereira

Make no mistake, the abortion law in Texas is punishing women for the Me Too movement.

Men who limit women’s reproductive health use it as punishment.

Scenario 1

Judy female mother 42 years old

I was breaking up with my shitty boyfriend, who knew I had money. So this fucker gets my daughter pregnant. She says it was rape, but I’m too scared to report him because they are going to give her a pregnancy test, and that could cause a whole lot of trouble. I called my girlfriend in Ohio, and I asked her to send me a kit through the mail. When we find out my daughter is pregnant, my girlfriend calls him up and gives him shit, not believing o what’s happening down here. So he threatens to call the hotline to report suspected abortion activity? And to file a lawsuit against my friend who lives in Ohio. Now my daughter is pregnant with that prick’s kid, and that baby will be my heir. That is some lucky rapist

Limiting a woman’s reproductive freedom transfers wealth to men. And women can no longer own property.

Scenario 4

Tina female, 16 years old

I went to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test. They wanted to see some I.D. and asked who I was buying it for. They said I could not buy a test without the consent of an adult and to come back with an adult. I brought my mother, they took her I.D. and gave her a pregnancy test linked to the WIFI and government database. As soon as I find out, so will they. If I get a positive result, I have to go to a prescribed physician within 24 hours and get a blood test. Then they will monitor me once a month. If I purchase a pregnancy kit on my credit card, that company must notify the authorities.

Men who limit women’s reproductive health own them.

Scenario 5

Elaine female 23 years old

I just had an ultrasound for a baby I wanted but was informed that if he lived, he would be so severely brain-damaged that he would have to be kept alive with a feeding tube. The doctor would not sign off on the abortion because he did not want that in his file. So I lost my shit and took some sleeping pills. I was never going to be able to take care of that child. What kind of life would that child have? When I got to the hospital, they tied me to a bed for 8 months and forced me to deliver a child who will be in a catatonic for the rest of his life. They said this is the path set for me.

When men limit women’s reproductive health, drive them to suicide.

Scenario 6

Devi Barton female Heiress 28 years old

I have always wanted a baby, so I had my boyfriend date a girl, he gained her trust, so I sent her to my doctor for what she thought was a regular checkup, he sedated her and artificially inseminated her with my egg and my boyfriend’s sperm. We are going to wait till she gives birth and then is going to demand a paternity test. The baby will be ours. I’ll give her a couple grand to go away.

When men limit women’s reproductive health, they turn them into surrogates against their will.

Scenario 7

Shaina female 21 years old

I got pregnant, and then I had a miscarriage. I went to the hospital, and they forced my legs open and poked and prodded gave me an ultrasound, blood work to test for drugs and alcohol. Had I brought this on myself? Was I not eating enough?

“A baby bump is not feeling your baby,” the nurse said as she spit at me and treated me like I was a piece of shit. They kept me in there for three weeks for psychiatric evaluation. Over and over hundreds of questions, medications, therapy, insane. I tried to explain to them that my husband hit me in the stomach. They said if it happens again, I will be considered for sterilization because I may harm my unborn child.

Men who limit women’s reproductive health can sterilize them.

Scenario 8

Heather female mother 42 years old

The school coach raped my 16-year-old daughter. I reported the rape, and instead of picking him up, they came for her. Because it was too early to tell, they kept her in the hospital for two weeks until the result was definite. She was pregnant. The school coach came up to me yesterday and said, “Watch it bitch, I can say I heard you talk about an abortion at any time, and if I tell them you were talking to your sister in NYC, she will have to come here to Texas answer the charge. So shut your mouth and let your daughter be a good incubator. I’ll let you know when I want to see the baby.”

When men limit women’s reproductive health, they silence them.

Scenario 9

David and Greg: Two college boys watching a girl’s soccer game.

David: She’s cute does her father have any money.

Greg: Nah pass. But her over there?

David: (pointing to the field of girls.) That one?

Greg: Yea that’s one. If you get her pregnant you’ve hit the jackpot, dude.

Men who limit women’s reproductive health become predators.

Scenario 10

Brenda female student 18

I am having an ectopic pregnancy that’s when the egg is trapped in the fallopian tube. It’s also called a tubal pregnancy. The fallopian tube is not made to hold a growing embryo and can’t stretch like a uterus. If it grows and bursts, I can die from internal bleeding. To have an abortion, I have to get a doctor to agree that I could die from this. But I can’t find one who will because if they do, they will have to carry out the abortion and no doctor in Texas is going to do that. I am probably going to die with my unborn baby.

Men who limit women’s reproductive health kill them.

Scenario 11

Rachael female mother/stepmother

My stepson who is 18, sexually abused my daughter who is 16 and now she is pregnant. We are told she must have the baby. On the health certificate they will be listed as brother sister father and mother.

When the baby is born, he will be my grandson the son of my stepson and my daughter. I know a lot of bad things and birth defects happen to babies of incest. What can happen? Who will help us?

Men who limit women’s reproductive health breed them with family.

Scenario 12

Darlama female 22 years old- rape victim

I was gang raped I am pregnant, and being forced to carry the baby. If I talk about not wanting the baby to anyone a stranger, a lady at the bank, my entire family can be put in danger everyone will be taken to court and sued ten thousand dollars. So if I tell ten people the one person that reported us makes a hundred thousand dollars. Do you think they will settle for less out of court?

Men who limit women’s reproductive health can make lots of money.

Scenario 13

Rayanne female 18 years old

I can’t even speak to a counselor because she has to report I am talking about my baby and it must be recorded. I am alone I am scared the alone is so dark. All the men who raped me have come forward and said I wanted them to do it. All of them took a paternity test. Who is gonna get lucky with the rich girl the one they call Steven the one who liked it all ways won the prize. When the baby is born, I will have to share custody and most likely pay child support because he says the only thing he’ll be doing for the next 4 years is protecting his child. Starting now. And if we have anything to say about it he is calling the hotline.

Men who limit women’s reproductive health make women slaves.

Scenario 14

Cheryl is a spoiled brat who wants a baby, so she says to her brother;

I want you to date the brunette from your history class. Make her pregnant. I’ll adopt the baby.

Men who limit women’s reproductive health are sex traffickers.

Scenario 15

Mislene female grandmother 57.

My 13-year-old daughter is pregnant and also mentally challenged. She is not able to tell us what happened. She is being forced to have the baby-we are. They have given her an ankle bracelet so they can monitor her during the pregnancy. I suspected she was raped and reported it to the police. Rape does not exist in Texas anymore do I must be lying.

Men who limit women’s reproductive health force girls to bear children.

Scenario 16

Two 15-year-old girls talking

Girl 1
Boys carry around date rape drugs and play the game Where’s your baby gonna grow? Are you on birth control?

Girl 2
Do you think we can get birth control just like that? Doctors in Texas won’t subscribe them because they say it’s a type of abortion.

Girl 1

So you’re saying that it is highly likely that some guy gives us a date rape drug?

Girl 2

Highly and yes. My brother says we cannot go outside without a man.

Men who limit women’s reproductive health rape.

Scenario 17

Mother to Father

Look the only way we can send our girls out there. The burka. They have to cover their faces or some guy is going to rape them. If they wear the burka the men will stay away because they will know she’s owned by someone. And we can always send them out with my brother George. That way they can get about the city. George will drive. They need to get out of here a while and feel fresh air.

Father to Mother

George is not to take out girls anywhere. It is up to me the father to accompany my girls to school. It will be my full-time job and you shall cook and clean and take care of us.

Men who limit women’s reproductive rights become entitled, lazy and stupid.



Karina Holosko

M.A., Society of Professional Journalists, National Writers Union, Animal Rights Activist, Survivor. Kick-Ass, sculptor